Sophomore Football Players Serve at St. Joseph's Diner

Ascension Episcopal School
Over fall break, Ascension's sophomore football players served at St. Joseph’s diner. The boys scrubbed counters and chopped vegetables to help prep the day’s meal. Additionally, they wrote heartfelt notes of encouragement to diner visitors that evening. 

Serving others builds character, creates a sense of community, and makes a tangible difference in others’ lives. Because of this, Ascension places immense value on volunteer work.  Ascension students must complete 60 service hours before earning a diploma in their senior year. 

Volunteering as teammates allows our students to gain perspective, give back, and grow in love and service together. Thank you, Blue Gators, for sharing your time and talent to serve our community. 

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    The Episcopal Church of the Ascension School (Ascension Episcopal School) admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin. We are a welcoming community.